Metal Blanc Bourg-Fidèle - France

The assessment and the occupational risks prevention are a part of every company’s duties. It implies a pro-active strategy: detecting risks at the earliest possible stage to integrate safety in conception and organization, and thus master every aspect of safety.

To reach that goal, Metal blanc uses two tools:

  • The single document
  • The risk assessment software ASPHALES

The single document

The Single Document has a dual role: it is at the same time an information source about the assessment of occupational risks in the company and a means of action to reduce the scope of those risks.

ASPHALES: risk assessment software

ASPHALES is a software of integrated risk management. It is an analysis and decision-support tool that helps to evaluate risks and model event scenarios.


Security management system for the SEVESO* sites

SST training

More than half of the Metal Blanc employees are trained in first-aid (SST) and regularly take retraining courses. They can be found in every department of the company (workshops, maintenance, logistics, offices…).

ETARE plan

Our company also made an ETARE plan in partnership with the Ardennes prevention services. Those plans are actual decision aid tools that will be used as a basis for tactical reasoning by first responders. It gives informations on the site, such as the plant access or the on-site protection and firefighting intern ressources. It contains intervention instructions and mentions which places must be protected as a priority.


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